Dear Brothers in Christ: David Emmanuel; Dugha Eric; Ripan Bala
Greetings in the name of our Master Jesus Christ. It was not long ago since we met in Seoul, Korea at the
Withee Mission International (WMI). In recent days, I was informed by Rev. Barnabas Moon, the International
Director of WMI that the three of you will be crossing the graduation line of the Bible School and consequently be
commissioned as missionaries. This is wonderful and noble. Indeed, this is exciting! You are embarking in the
most important vocation. You also responded to the highest calling! Glory to God!May I encourage you to be faithfull, courageous, visionary Kingdom Workers! The One who called you will
guide, protect, provide and sustain His workers. He promised to be with you until the end of ages (Matthew
28:18-20).I wish I am there to celebrate with you during this special moment. But we are separated by many time zones
and thousands of miles. For now, please accept my word of greetings and congratulations. Happy Graduation
and Comissioning!For the people on the move,
Rev. Dr. Sadiri Joy Tira(D.Min., D.Miss.)
Senior Associate for Diasporas
Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization
International Coordinator
Filipino International Network
Dear the Graduates,
We, Withee America, would like to share in the joy you must feel with
Congratulations on your graduations!
your achievement. Today is the beginning of your new Christian life. We are very proud of you and continuously
pray for increased blessings in your life. May this wonderful occasion be a very special start in knowing that
God's love will live and grow in your heart. As you face challenges in your life, remember the day you
experienced God's blessing poured through Withee Bible Institute, and seek God's spirit that has been reborn
within you. We will remember you in our prayer that God may prepare the best way for your future and equip
you as God's perfect instruments. We also believe that God may expand His kingdom through your sacrifice
and commitment.Again, congratulations! Yours in Christ,Rev. Dr. Paul N.H Cho
Director of Withee America
Intercultural missional Pastor of Lutheran Church of Good Shepherd
Professor of Systematic Theology, Bethesda Christian UniversityProfessor of Christian Ethics, Bethesda Christian University
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------February 25, 2011
Rev. Barnabas Moon
President, Korea Intercultural Network (KIN)
Executive Director, WITHEE Mission International
South KoreaDear Rev. C. S. Moon:
On behalf of the Lausanne North American Diaspora Educators Forum, I would like to congratulate the
graduating diaspora leaders on this very special occasion.The training of diaspora leaders is not easy and faces many challenges. But time and again, it has
been proven that this task is doable and that leaders who live and work outside their homeland can
be trained successfully for leadership ministry and missionary service.It is therefore my joy and honor to commend all of the graduating students, their teachers, financial
sponsors and prayer partners, and the administration of WITHEE International for their hard work and
collective efforts in theological education and ministry equipping.May our heavenly Father continue to sustain you with wisdom and strength as you minister to people
on the move around the world, along with the LORD’s sustaining grace and the empowering
presence of the Holy Spirit! Matthew 28:19-20Your partner in global diaspora missions,
Dr. Terry Casino
Chair, Lausanne North American Diaspora Educators’ Forum
International Director, Korea Intercultural Network (KIN)
Professor of Missiology, School of Divinity
Gardner-Webb University
Boiling Springs, North Carolina