이주민선교정보/이주민 선교정보 Illegal immigrants threat Nagas’ existence by 위디국제선교회1 2009. 4. 14. 2008-11-11 218 Illegal immigrants threat Nagas’ existence Nov 10: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article published on 11/11/2008 1:09:53 AM IST Font Size: The continuous influx of illegal immi-grants into Nagaland pose a danger to the Naga identity. There could be a gradual sea change of demography starting from Dimapur where there is already a chunk of illegal Bangladeshis. Nagas, being small in populace could be slowly reduced to minority as seen in the case of Tripura where the existence of the natives is under threat as a result of mass illegal migration. Assam has been on the boil due to the presence of huge population of illegal Bangladeshis who have now gained the protection and support of the politicians for wooing the votes. But the outcome proves ugly with the latest conflict being fought between the Bodo tribal and the illegal migrants where many innocent lives have been lost. Nagaland is not exceptional when her neighboring states are being affected as the same unwanted situation may arise if one does not rightly act from now on. Implementation of effective measures to curb the influx is the need of the hour. One ponders how they (Bangladeshis) from different nation are able to penetrate into N.E. without possession of any valid documents or for that matter nothing at all? The illegal migrants have taken the advantage of the resemblance with the plain people of India and the hospitality of the indigenous people. The ineffective sealing of international border also encourages the movement of cross-border criminals and extremists. Today, largely due to the external negative influences, the Naga society is crippling with social evil practices which were earlier unknown and alien to the Naga people. If stringent measures are not taken at the appropriate time then it is not far that Nagas would be at loggerheads with outsiders whose motives are to slowly dominate and occupy the vacant lands. Taking up the business set-ups by the locals should be encouraged as it would not only generate employment but also deter the influx who would find themselves nothing much to do except to go back home for good. Mizoram is a model where even the considered low-profile professions such as barber cobbler, and small time shopkeepers are owned by the local Mizos. Mokokchung have already set an example in curbing the illegal migrants and followed by Chakesang Students' Union in Non-Local Verification Card drive which is laudable. If all the districts of Nagaland follow suit then the Naga society would be a better place to live. Let us all stand together to fight the good fight before it is too late. John Kiewhuo, Dimapur. 공유하기 게시글 관리 WiThee Mission International 저작자표시 관련글 의료선교, 담당할 부분 아직도 많다 낙타전도법을 아십니까? 현대선교의 전략적 제안 12가지 라저스 선교팀 첨단 녹음기로 선교효과 겨냥